Story of Bird With One Wing

By Teguh Budisantoso at Saturday, November 13, 2010, 12:29 AM

Bird with one wing

A smart high school student with great potential complain after moving for more than five schools. Of course we think that he finds more experiences or the real high quality school for his best future. However, the reality is that he always gets difficulty with the study environment around him. In his previous schools, he always had problem, such as : meeting with unfit person, not feeling comfortable with the schools itself, quarreling with friends, and even in other place, he was protested by the teachers.

The owner of big education foundation has another experience. Everytime he accepts new person, he’s always optimistic. He feels as if the person he has just choosen can solve all the problem of the foundation. However, when the person has been working about one year, his weaknesses can be seen one by one. As a result, the owner of the foundation also begins tired to always change the leader or chief of his school.
from the story above, if we want something perfect, something which match completely with our dream, it’s better if we just forget it. This is so because it will never finish, it is like running to reach for the horizon..... And we know that it’s impossible for us to do that.

The basic management ability of the person is in managing the differences that includes two matters. They are accepting the differences and transforming the differences into a reality. That seems simple, but to implement it is not easy. It needs efforts and strong commitments. This problem happens because many of us consider that ourselves are birds with complete wings which can fly (live and work) by ourselves without any help from someone else. But in fact, as`written by “Luciano Crescendo” in his book- that we’re actually more look like a bird with one wing which just can fly if there is another wing. The same thing, we can live and survive if we embrace tightly with someone else.

In a factory, a leader will succeed because of his ability to cooperate with others. In a happy family, there should always be willingness to intentional “embrace” between each member of the family. In a class, the leader of class will be the true leader if he/she can solve the problem among his/her friends and can make good relationship among them. In a higher level, a president for example, a man as enormous as “Nelson Mandela” and “Kim Dae” is even not shy, to “embrace” with person that even tortured him.
Moreover, if this embrace activity is done faithfully and full of love, it will not only change something impossible into something possible, transforming failure into success, but also make everything become anice and happy view.

Therefore, the writer of ”Chicken Soup For The Couple Soul” says, THAT love is the great charity of God-Thus, what a big meaning and impact of love is that nothing compares with it. The people will be very loose if during his life, he never knows abot love. He looks like a mount climber that never arrives on the top of mountain, even he never knows how long he has climbed. It’s so tiring and full of struggle but it’s in vain. That’s all, raise us to life with the embrace of love. God never creat perfect man, it doesn’t matter how clever and great we are, we only have a half side of wings.

to be successful in study, work or career and everything, no matter how big and great we are will be nothing if we have only one wing. We need another wing of someone else.
Let’s begin the day with embracing. It doesn’t matter whether we embrace our family, our friends, our brothers, our parents or others. Embrace our life, embrace environment and embrace the God. And at school, let’s begin our studying with embracing someone else. Have our days full of smile, success and full with love.


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